The Flame

Eclectic Fire Witch, seamstress, & planner. Loves cats, adventures, & tea with friends.

Eclipse, here!

I’ve been thinking about how I got to where I am, spiritually & as a witch, and it probably started with reading A LOT of fantasy books as a child.  Because of my voracious reading, magic was already a daily part of my life, even if I wasn’t the one actually doing the things.  Credit to Mercedes Lackey for my pronounciation of Samhain.

One of my best friends in high school was pagan, and her family welcomed me to their admittedly small & very casual gatherings.  She actually introduced me to many things that I still enjoy; anime & manga, renaissance faires, and everything Scottish.  (Heather, if you’re reading this right now, know that I’m sticking my tongue out at you.)  On one of our adventures, we went in an occult shop and I bought a journal with “Book of Shadows” embossed on the cover, and filled it with my terribly emo free-form poetry.

My college boyfriend dabbled in tarot and energy work, and he gave me a little volume on Wicca.  After doing a fair bit of research, I started calling myself a Wiccan witch, because that was the closest wording I could find to describe myself.  I started my first official Book of Shadows.

Then some really shitty stuff happened, and in the process of healing I realized that I do not, in fact, hold with the Wiccan rede of “harm none” and the Threefold Law.  Several years later, more really shitty stuff happened, and I started getting into what I’m calling “nitty-gritty” witchcraft; bones, grave dirt, & shadow work.

As for the “fire” part of my description… I grew up in a house whose main heating in New England winters was a woodstove in the basement, so I know how to light a fire.  I’ve always been burning candles & incense.  I’ve worked for Yankee Candle at least five times.  My birth chart has a lot of Fire in it, and I’m a fiery, passionate, driven person.  

My goals to further my fire witchery are to learn how to breathe fire and how to spin fire (leaning towards fans right now), and to do a fire walk (walk barefoot over hot coals).