
You may be wondering how three very different people ended up so close. Well, we’re here to tell you, each from our own perspective. Sit back and enjoy reading about how we came to be the Groven Cove, Book, Tree, and Flame.

Our Stories

Hadley’s Version


Saige’s Version

I am an introvert. I have always been an introvert. I don’t make friends easily, especially not with women for some reason. Imagine my surprise when I met Eclipse and we hit it off pretty early on. We had a lot in common as we are both crafters/artists and have a love of good tea.

Soon after, I met Hadley. This was all at a contra dance, mind you. A place that I was not always entirely comfortable being. Lots of people, dancing with and in front of said people, but it was good exercise and I found it to be fun most times. I never expected to meet these two people who have become such a huge part of my life.

Our closeness really began when Eclipse started having full moon tea parties. We would generally be the only three there, though we did have other people on several other occasions. However, we were the core group. We learned a lot about each other, about our similarities and differences and I began moving closer to my conversion from organized religion to finding my own path.

A few months in, someone (I don’t remember who) suggested we perform a spell on the full moon, so during the next tea party. I had just recently read a book that talked about a Druid ritual and the steps and words that were a part of it so I offered to share that for the spell.

We also came to the decision that we should each ‘ask’ for something of our own for the spell. We all pondered and decided what we would ask for. I chose to improve communication in my current relationship (which is a WHOLE other story how that turned out), Hadley chose integration of their life, and Eclipse chose prosperity in work and finances.

Hadley created the most awesome magic book that folded and flipped to have three different faces. I can’t describe it here, but it was so fricken cool! She chose a side for each of us and used colors and images that fit the ideas of our personal requests. Before the ritual, we each wrote on our side of the book what we wanted to accomplish. Since Eclipse was the host and her apartment didn’t allow for burning anything we had to do a lot more visualization for certain parts of the ceremony.

The ritual began, we asked the spirits for permission to use the space for the ritual, we cast a circle, when it came time for the ritual action, Hadley performed an ecstatic dance, Eclipse also moved with the music, and I used my handmade (by me) drum to add to the music. The sacrifice part was that we each held the little folded book and pulled in opposite directions, that way we each had a little piece of the intentions of the group. We closed the circle and I think there was a lot of hugging. At one point, I can’t recall if it was during the ritual or after, we each had items that we passed around for the others to bless in order to bring about what that person was hoping to manifest.

We all felt ….something … it’s not easy to describe, but we felt connected at that point. Hadley mentioned that in performing the spell and ritual together like that bonded us and that we’d all possibly see effects from each others intentions. There was more hugging, there was a strong sense of expectation within all of us. We felt really good!

As we were clearing up and preparing to head to our own homes, I asked a question of the other two. At the time, Hadley was identifying as witch for lack of a better identifier, and Eclipse also identified as witch, but I did not, I identified as Druid. Witches have covens, and Druids have groves. But what do you call a group that has both? A Groven or a Cove? There was laughter, but somehow it was offered up that the appropriate term would have to be the Groven Cove. Someone changed our group Facebook chat title to that and since then we have shared hardships, joys, laughter, tears, spells, intentions, love, and so much more.

And now, we share a blog. Prepare for craziness!

Eclipse’s Version

So I don’t really remember specifics of exactly when we first met, which is not uncommon for me.  My memory is a steel sieve.

I know that I met both Saige and Hadley at a local contra dance, at different times.

I remember hanging out with Saige at a local renfaire. I was helping a friend at her merch booth (she’s a published author), and Saige was there vending her leatherwork. Speaking of which, amiga, how’s my Bast mask going?  😉

I think I started spending time with Hadley when we were both on the volunteer committee that ran & organized the local contra.

Some bad stuff happened (recurring theme), and I stopped dancing for about 9 months before I realized that I needed to have some kind of planned socialization, because the only time I was around people was at work.  I think it was the full moon in November 2018 that I planned the first Full Moon Tea Party.  I invited a whole bunch of my girlfriends, and of course only a few people actually came.  Saige & Hadley were on that short list, and the rest is history.

Saige usually leads our rituals, and Hadley is teaching us her inside knowledge of the tarot.  I provide the hot water for tea.